Clog-free Extruder Kit with Quick-swap Nozzle :Tri-metal "Unicorn" Nozzle,Quick to Swap
Cooling Trio,Refining the Print Quality: Hotend Fanfor Minimal Heat Creep; Part Cooling Fan for Instant Hardening; Auxiliary Fan for Overall Print Quality
Make use of CF filaments, which are widely used in industrial printing for their mechanical strengthand resistance to wear, deformation, and aging
Carefree & Smart Operationsfrom Start to Finish : Out of the Box Experience, Auto Calibration with One Tap
The built-in Al camera can watch over printing,and actively alert you when an error occurs.*Also great for video monitoring and time-lapse filming.
K1C inherits the lightweight and agile CoreXY system of K1. It offers a thrilling speed while retaining the print quality. Max Speed : 600mm/s. Max Acceleration : 20000 mm/s
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